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Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Posted by Tamila Deniece Harris 7:54 AM No comments
Fill Me In #355: I think it’s disgusting, but it’s the only way she eats ‘em.

This week, Ryan records without a microphone, opens the Viewer Mail bag without snapping, and essentially ad libs the entire show without a script. All that plus a contest crossword, which you can download at

Also - sign up for Lollapuzzoola, the greatest crossword puzzle tournament ever held annually on a Saturday in August.

If you get bored, write something for the Fill Me In wiki.

And if you're feeling philanthropic, donate to our Patreon.

Do you enjoy our show? Actually, it doesn't matter! Please consider leaving us a 5-star review on Apple Podcasts. This will help new listeners find our show, and you'll be inducted into the Quintuple Decker Turkey Club.

Drop us a note or a Tweet or a postcard or a phone call — we'd love to hear from you.

Helpful links:

We're putting these words here to help with search engine optimization. We don't think it will work, but you probably haven't read this far, so it doesn't matter: baseball, crossword, crosswords, etymology, game, hunt, movies, musicals, mystery, oscar, pizza, puzzle, puzzles, soup, trivia, words

* This article was originally published here

* This article was originally published here


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