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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Posted by Tamila Deniece Harris 5:57 AM No comments

Earlier, we discussed the Link System for remembering lists. Let's practice! We have provided a list of objects to memorize and some example links for you to use if you want. You will have better success if you make up your own links. Spend at least 2 minutes visualizing these objects and links and you should have no problem remembering them.

Cheese, Giraffe, Batteries, Water, Space Shuttle, Rose, Tire, Saw, Grass, Moon

Example links:
A giraffe eating a big cheese wheel.
Putting new batteries into your robotic giraffe.
Batteries getting shorted out and sparking when put in water.
A space shuttle flying underwater.
A miniature space shuttle buzzing around a rose.
A huge tire rolling down a hill and squashing a rose.
A tire with saw blades sticking out dangerously.
Using a saw to cut your grass.
Looking at a moon in a telescope and seeing it covered in grass.

After you have visualized your links, close your eyes and try to recall the entire list. See how easy it was? To prove the effectiveness of this technique, make up a different list and try to memorize it without using the Link System or any other mnemonic.
More Memory Articles...

* This article was originally published here

* This article was originally published here


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